September 21st arrived to Valencia the patient Gnima Coly, a 7 years old child from the Djikesse Kampoundone village settled in the south of Senegal. The child arrived to Valencia by means of doctor José Ramón Pérez, IMED Valencia orthopaedist that normally collaborate with GUP valencian NGO, that develop an education, health and woman assistance project in the south of Senegal. Since IMED Valencia knew Gnima’s case they’ve decided to be in charge of her transfer and treatment and help GUP with procedures and licenses needed for her visa.
In her country the girl wasn’t properly diagnosed and had some operations that worsen the situation and caused an infection during 5 years that nearly cost her the amputation of the leg.
After some days of tests and an exhaustive study of the case, the IMED medical team diagnosed on the child the Klippel Trenaunay Webber Syndrome.
Considerada una enfermedad rara, el síndrome de Klippel-Trénaunay es una condición que afecta el desarrollo de los vasos sanguíneos, los tejidos blandos y los huesos. Se caracteriza por tres señales: una mancha de nacimiento de color “vino de porto”, crecimiento excesivo de los tejidos blandos y los huesos y venas varicosas.
Considered a rare disease, Kippel-Trénaunay syndrome is a condition that affect blood vessels, soft tissues and bones development. Its characteristics are: “porto wine colour” birthmark, soft tissues, bones and varicose veins excessive growth.
Although this syndrome doesn’t have a cure, symptoms can be controlled and complications can be prevented with this kind of treatment. Since diagnosis, the child had different physiotherapy, orthopaedic and compression therapy treatment.
The girl will stay at the hospital till she finishes her treatment. So Gnima can be suitably assisted when she gets back to Senegal, IMED professionals are recording treatment on videos. Traumatologists and physiotherapists show how to perform massages and compression bandages that her family and doctors of the area have to keep performing. Moreover, compression stocking have been made bespoke to improve Gnima’s circulation.
Kippel-Tréaunay syndrome is an infrequent disorder that is diagnosed at birth. Nowadays the patient has very reduced mobility of her right leg joints (knee and ankle) because it wasn’t properly diagnosed and she didn’t have the treatment since birth. During last weeks her leg swelling decreased and the objective of the IMED orthopaedy and physiotherapy team is that the child could walk easier and without crutches.
About GUP
It is a non lucrative association that was born in 1997 on the valencian district of Benimaclet. The aim of GUP is to improve disadvantaged people situation. Since more than 20 years ago they support the soup kitchen “San José” that is in Benimaclet and that feed 30 people each day, moreover they give psychological support and other needs as sanitation and looking for means to improve their current situation. The association also have different projects in developping countries as Salvador, South Africa and Senegal.